Quiz: Zero BAC for novice and young drivers

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Any driver failing a roadside test will have their license suspended immediately for…?
24 hours
48 hours
12 hours
6 hours



Any driver aged 21 or below convicted of driving with a blood alcohol concentration above zero will have their license suspended for a minimum of…?
30 days
7 days
14 days
60 days



A driver must have a blood alcohol concentration of zero when driving if they are below the age of…?



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Zero BAC for novice and young drivers

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Zero Blood-Alcohol Concentration (BAC) for Young Drivers and Novice

Drivers who are 21 years of age and below, regardless of their license class must obtain a BAC level of zero when driving or operating any motor vehicle. If not followed, you will have 24 hours of the roadside driver-license suspension. If being convicted, there’s a fine you need to pay and you will face a license suspension for 30 days.

Drivers under 21, no matter their licence class, are to have zero BAC level when driving a vehicle. If convicted, you could face a fine or get your licence suspended. Having this restriction has proven to be an effective measure for improving road safety for young people in Ontario. This is why the government supports enacting zero BAC. For them to have a safer driving experience. 

Questions in this Quiz:

  • A driver must have a blood alcohol concentration of zero when driving if they are below the age of…?
  • Any driver failing a roadside test will have their license suspended immediately for…?
  • Any driver aged 21 or below convicted of driving with a blood alcohol concentration above zero will have their license suspended for a minimum of…?