Quiz: Stopping at school crossings

Are you planning to take the Ontario G1 written knowledge test and earn your driver’s license? It would be much easier if you know what to expect so that nothing will catch you off-guard.



Unsafe behaviour around a school crossing may result in a large fine and…?
Three demerit points
Two demerit points
One demerit point
Four demerit points



When a school crossing guard shows their sign, you…?
Must stop
Should stop unless the way is clear ahead
Should stop unless oncoming traffic doesn’t
Should stop unless you can’t see any children



You must not move away from a school crossing until…?
All children and the guard are off the roadway
All children are off the roadway
You decide it is safe to do so
The children are out of your lane



School crossing guards show signs that are…?
Red and white
Orange and black
Blue and green
Brown and yellow



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What Is The School Crosswalk and How Do You Approach It Safely?

Crossings are one of the many hazards that come with driving, which is why it’s essential to know how to use them safely. This article’s topic is about what a school crosswalk is and how you as a driver should safely approach it while driving in Canada as per law and general safety tips. Hopefully, everyone reading will apply when possible, thus leading to a safer environment. Stay safe out there!

What is a School Crosswalk?

A school crosswalk is a pedestrian crossing designated for students walking to and from school. They are typically painted with bright colors and marked with special signage to stand out from other crossings. School crosswalks can be found near schools of all levels, from elementary to universities.

To maximize safety, it’s crucial for both drivers and pedestrians to be aware of school crosswalks and obey the associated traffic signals. For drivers, this means slowing down and yielding to pedestrians when they are crossing, even if there is no stop sign or traffic signal present.

This means waiting until it is safe to cross and following any traffic signals in place for pedestrians.

How Do You Approach It Safely While Driving in Canada?

School Crosswalk In Canada, motorists must stop their vehicles and yield the right-of-way to pedestrians when approaching a school crosswalk until they have completely crossed the road.

This means that motorists must come to a complete stop at the marked stop line or just before it and must not proceed until all pedestrians have cleared the roadway.

There may be times when it is unsafe to stop, such as if there is oncoming traffic or the pedestrian is far from the curb. In these cases, motorists can slow down and proceed with caution but must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. This is not considered breaking the law.

When no pedestrians are present, motorists may continue through their green light or proceed across an intersection on a red light after coming to a complete stop and yielding right of way. However, they must be sure that it is safe before continuing through an intersection without pedestrians.

A school crosswalk does not have any special markings other than the lines painted either white or yellow. If traffic lights control it, there should also be signs located at both ends of the crossing, so drivers know what to expect when approaching one from either direction.

School crosswalks do not have additional safety features such as flashing lights or bells like some think.

Motorists should treat school crosswalks like any other crosswalk in residential areas or busy city streets. By slowing down and giving pedestrians the right of way, everyone can ensure that they reach their destination safely.

If you’re not sure if a school crossing is equipped with signals, it’s always good to use caution and come to a complete stop before proceeding. Just because children are not present does not mean it is legal to pass through an intersection without coming to a complete stop first!

Remember that there may be times when stopping at a school crossing isn’t safe, but yielding right-of-way by coming to a slow roll while being cautious still applies.


Drivers must follow these rules to approach a school crossing in Canada safely: First, check for children who may be present. Second, slowly and carefully proceed through the crossing if no children are present. However, if children are present, drivers must come to a complete stop and wait until they have crossed the street before proceeding.

By following these simple steps, motorists can help ensure that children safely cross the road as they make their way to and from school each day.