Quiz: Sharing the road with cyclists

Besides teaching you all the basic rules about driving in Ontario, it will be easier to pass the G1 knowledge exam and road skills test if you’ve enrolled in a Driver’s Ed course. Not to mention, you will get unlimited practice tests that will boost your confidence after the course.



Motorists must leave a gap when passing cyclists of at least…?
1 metre
50 cms
25 cms
1.5 metres



Sharrows (double chevrons with a cycle symbol) indicate what?
Shared lane with cyclists
Cyclist only lane
Cyclists not allowed
Cyclists have priority



Cyclists should usually cycle what distance from the curb?
1 metre
50 cms
1.5 metres
2 metres



Cyclists are not allowed in what part of the lane?
There is no exclusion
The left side
The middle
The right



Horns should only be used around cyclists to…?
Give a warning
Make them move
Threaten them
Make them stop



Motorists may only enter cycling lanes when turning right or…?
Entering a driveway
Passing another car on the inside
Parking in the lane
Any of these



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Sharing the Road with Bicyclists- The Do's and Don'ts

When the sun is out, and the weather is warm, it’s the right time for people to grab their bicycles and hit the road. To keep the roadways safe for everyone, below are a few do’s and don’t to keep in mind if you are driving your motor vehicle.


Be Cautious When Turning – because of the small profile of cyclists, it’s easy not to spot them and bump them when turning. Hence, be a bit more cautious when turning. Check the side mirrors a bit more carefully to ensure there’s no cyclist on the road, and be aware of possible blindsides. This is especially true when you are turning right since most cyclists will take the right side of the road. Use turn signals so the cyclists in the back will know your intentions and react accordingly.

Sharing the Road with BicyclistsDo Give Cyclist Ample Room – you’d want to put ample space between you and the cyclist. This general rule applies whether the cyclist is beside or ahead of you. In Ontario, Canada, the law states that motor vehicles maintain at least a one-meter distance when passing over a cyclist whenever practical. Of course, this law does not apply to every location, so you might want to check your local municipality. Laws aside, it’s best to give cyclists ample room to minimize the chances of accidents.

Do Check For Children – kids also love to bike! However, they have even a smaller profile compared to the adult cyclist. Children are also harder to spot if you have a large vehicle. Hence, be extra cautious if you think children will be biking around like parks or school areas. Keep in mind that children tend to be less experienced. Furthermore, they tend to get caught up with the moment, so they tend to have less attention to their surroundings. Because of such reasons, it’s best practice to give them the right of way and be sure to wait for them until they are entirely safe before moving on.


Don’t Treat Cyclists As Vehicles When Passing Them – cyclists are a lot more fragile compared to cars. Hence, it would be best if you practice more caution when passing them. Give ample distance between you and the cyclist if you want to overtake them. If the space is tight when passing them, slow down your speed. Keep in mind that if you swipe or hit the cyclist on accident, your speed will significantly impact the possible amount of injuries the cyclist might sustain.

Don’t Stay In The Bike Lane – in the event that you need to park or pull over, check your surroundings and avoid stepping into a bike lane. Bike lanes are designated for bicycles so they can move freely and safely. Moving in and out of a bike lane can be a dangerous maneuver for cyclists. Hence, it’s best that you steer clear away from bike lanes if you can.

Don’t Assume – not everyone with a bicycle on the road is an expert. And, this means that they could suddenly brake, swerve or even fall. Hence, be sure to watch out for possible elements in the road that might cause troubles for a cyclist, like potholes or debris. And, be prepared to react accordingly if something happens. Furthermore, be aware of the current and possible movements of the cyclist. Please don’t assume that they will always be moving in a straight path.

Last Thoughts

Unfortunately, there are cyclists out there that don’t take road laws seriously. They might sit too close to your car at the stoplight instead of maintaining a proper distance. They may run through stoplights and stop signs and weave in between cars while in traffic. These can be irritating for drivers. However, it’s best that you keep your cool and be on the safe side.

Keep in mind that in the event of a collision, the law will typically side with cyclists, and that goes the same for the court of public opinion. In most cases, the motorized vehicle driver will be held responsible for the crash. It’s a battle that you don’t want to risk as it may cost you a lot of money at the least. At the worst, you could lose your freedom.

Hence, be on the safe side and be cautious if cyclists are around.