Quiz: Uncontrolled intersections

On the day of the G1 written test, you should arrive at least 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. Arriving early gives you enough time to calm your nerves. On the other hand, arriving late could get your test canceled.



Uncontrolled intersections should be…?
Treated with extra caution
Treated as if they aren’t there
Treated the same as any other intersection



When two vehicles approach an uncontrolled intersection simultaneously, which vehicle should yield?
The one on the left
The one on the right
The slower one
The smaller one



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Uncontrolled intersections

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What Is An Uncontrolled Intersection and How Do You Approach It Safely

An uncontrolled intersection is an intersection with no traffic lights or signs. These intersections are mainly in rural areas where vehicular traffic isn’t prominent. Such intersections are often three or four-way ones.

An uncontrolled intersection will likely be in an area where the speed limit is minimal, and there aren’t many lights in the region. Sometimes there may be a stop or yield sign on one part of the intersection, but another part won’t have any signs. Crosswalks may be visible at some intersections, but they likely won’t appear in areas where foot traffic isn’t expected.

These intersections can be risky because not all people know how to handle these spots. Some drivers might choose to ignore common courtesy when approaching one of these intersections, or they might forget what to do as they arrive here. Some neighborhoods have replaced these uncontrolled intersections with traffic circles roundabouts with the belief they are safer and will get people to slow down. But these intersections can be safe if you know how to handle them right.


What Can You Do When You Reach An Uncontrolled Intersection?

Uncontrolled Intersection Proper care is necessary when approaching an uncontrolled intersection. You can use these steps to reach and go through one of these intersections safely:

  • Slow down when approaching an uncontrolled intersection. Be sure to take it slow even if there are no visible cars around.
  • Look for any street markings on the intersection. These include crosswalks for people and lines that show where you should stop if applicable. Always follow these lines, as pedestrians, cyclists, and other forms of ground traffic should cross first.
  • Stay back if you see another car approaching the intersection. Allow that car to pass if it is trying to cross.
  • Check the left and right sides of the intersection when you stop. There’s always a chance another car could be speeding down the intersection, especially if there are no stop or yield signs in the area. Make sure you review what’s nearby before you attempt to cross the intersection.
  • Use the right-of-way rules for when there’s another car that reaches the intersection at the same time as you. The vehicle on the right-hand side always has the right-of-way. Some drivers may offer a gesture allowing you to go forward first if desired, so watch for how they respond or interact with you. You could also do the same for other drivers if you wish.

Proper Vehicular Maintenance Is Critical

Be sure to keep your vehicle in good condition before driving, as well-maintained cars will have an easier time handling uncontrolled intersections. Many of these intersections don’t have lights. Your car will require properly functioning headlights to ensure your safety, especially in dark or foggy conditions. Make sure your brakes are also working well so you can safely stop at one of these intersections before you continue moving forward.

Remember when approaching an uncontrolled intersection that you are cautious and understand what vehicles are coming or are nearby. Be observant of others to ensure your safety when driving. Don’t forget to keep your car in its best possible shape.